How to use webhooks


How to use Webhooks

If you're familiar with webhooks, in short, it's when we notify your server about certain events.

Currently, we have webhooks for two events:

1. When an SMS receives any delivery status.
2. A webhook for when a new incoming SMS arrives.

What does this mean in practice?

For example, if you want to receive the content of an incoming SMS on your server, such as viewing a customer's response in your CRM system, you don’t need to poll our server every few seconds to check for new messages. We will send a request to you as soon as it happens.

How does it work? You set the URL of your server in the phone settings. From there, it's all technical details — you’ll receive a webhook with a JSON containing all the information about the incoming SMS. You can test how this works by specifying the URL provided by the site for testing purposes.


"address": int,
"date": datetime,
"date_sent": datetime,
"body": string,
"internal_id": int,
"sim": int,
"sms_id": int,  
"device_id": int,
"device_name": devicename

The same goes for delivery status. When the SMS is delivered, we can send you a webhook, and you will know that the SMS has been delivered.

We are always happy to help you with the setup if you contact us via WhatsApp, Telegram, or Skype.



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